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Nuggets of Hope...

We are honored to share what we call "nuggets of hope". Truth is best consumed in smaller portions... small bites. The size of this ministry doesn't matter. The effectiveness of this ministry does. You see, its' never been about numbers or money or accolades. From its beginning in 1988, A Miracle of Love Ministries has always been about being a vessel that The Father could trust with His anointing and with His heritage. Nothing more.. Not now. Not  ever!

Your Mess...

Remember this and don't get it twisted. The Father won't bless your mess. He may not even remove or fix your mess. He could and will if it coincides with His will and purposes in and through you. More likely, He'll carry you through your mess complete with its consequences... and there are always consequences. ALWAYS! So, rest in the "knowing" that He sees the ending from the beginning... nothing will ever catch Him by surprise!

A Word of Clarification...

Walking it out doesn't mean "control it". Walking it out means you humbly come alongside the unction, instruction and direction of The Father, willingly submitting your way of doing things, to The Father's instruction and guidance. Stop expecting The Father to answer your prayer the way you would. He's not you and you certainly ARE NOT HIM!!!

Romans 14:16-19 Amplified

Therefore do not let what is a good thing for you [because of your freedom to choose] be spoken of as evil [by someone else]; for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking [what one likes], but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For the one who serves Christ in this way [recognizing that food choice is secondary] is acceptable to God and is approved by men. So then, let us pursue [with enthusiasm] the things which make for peace and the building up of one another [things which lead to spiritual growth].

Rebuild the Altar!

Tear down the stage and rebuild the altar. When the church is more filled with laughter and cheers than tears of sorrow, we have lost perspective and have forgotten our first love.

Can These Bones Live?

Where are the men and women who sigh and cry against the sins in this world?!!! Where are the men... real men of God... who do battle on their knees, who follow biblical precepts... who stand against the wiles of the enemy of our souls?!!!

Where are the men who lead with Godly leadership?!!! Where are those who carry the mantle of grace? Where are those who refuse to compromise truth for filthy lucre?!!

Can these bones live?


The Truth...

We live in an age when many cannot endure the truth, because once you know it, you're then fully accountable for what you know. After that, if you still reject what you know, your blood will be on your own hands. Is that too much truth?!!!

"When I say to the wicked, ‘You will certainly die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to tell him to turn from his wicked way to save his life, that same evil man will die in his sin, but you will be responsible for his blood. However, if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he will die in his sin; but you have freed yourself [from responsibility]." ~Ezekiel 3:18:19 Amplified Bible

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